Monday, November 26, 2012

Holiday gift-giving made (you guessed it) simple

Thanksgiving has come and gone and with it Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and (most of) Cyber Monday.  It is so easy to become overwhelmed with all that the holidays demand of us.  There's the stress of shopping, cooking, cleaning, and entertaining.  Not to mention the stresses of finances and still being able to fit into your jeans come January 2nd!  I can't really help you with the parts about cleaning and fitting into your clothes - I'll have enough trouble accomplishing those things myself - but I can let you in on a little secret of gift-giving.

I recently found myself getting caught up in finding just the right gifts for each of my kids and becoming frenzied about the associated cost of doing so.  I have 4 kids so Christmas-giving adds up fast.  Not to mention that anyone with kids probably has worried at one time or another about not having one kid get more gifts than another - that's a fun one!  Just as I was losing my mind on Amazon I was reminded of my holiday gift-giving "rule" for my kids.  You're going to want to thank me for this one!  Ready?

For each child I try to get them something they want, something they need, something they wear, and something they read.  Simple, right?  Repeat after me:


Now,  I will likely have some add-ons here and there but this rule gives me a baseline and a place to start and a way to ensure some equality of gifts among my kids.  So feel free to steal this one from me - I'm happy to share.  I hope it can help reduce some of your stress so you can focus more on your family and less on the tasks of the holidays.  Isn't that what this time of year is all about anyway?

For good. simple. fun. gifts that can work in the want, need, and/or wear categories visit our website at  And here's to a very happy, mostly relaxed holiday season!

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